Budget Vote
This time of year we present our proposed budget for the next year for church members to vote on. In addition to our budget, we also vote to confirm our elders. Please take the time to prayerfully consider what we have proposed and then fill out a ballot (online or in-person). You have until March 31st to vote.
Young Adults: First Friday
Off-site | Friday, April 4th at 6-9pm
Every first Friday of the month young adults gather together to connect and share a meal. Join us this Friday in the OCF Youth Room, dinner is provided. Contact Willa Ma for more information.
Men’s Fraternity
Tuesdays at 7pm | Thursdays at 6am
This winter and spring, Men's Frat will study The Titus Ten: Foundations for Godly Manhood by J. Josh Smith. The study will focus on ten qualities the apostle Paul encouraged in his mentee, Titus, aiming to help men grow in their understanding of the gospel, identity, character, doctrine, and more. Come on Tuesday Nights at Ron Dunaetz's home in El Segundo or Thursday Mornings at OCF!
Join a Small Group
Our Series-Based Small Groups offer an opportunity to build relationships within our OCF family, and growing in your relationship with Jesus. We invite you to be part of one! Groups track with our Sunday sermon passages, and meet weekly. Register for a group today! Questions? Contact Sean McLeish.
Prayers and Support for LA Fires
Prayers and Support for LA Fires
We are a people whose hope is in the Lord, called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Below are ways we can respond to the tragedy in Los Angeles through our financial or physical donations:
Financial and Physical Donations:
- If you would like to donate, consider donating by clicking this link.
- If you have physical goods to donate Kelly Olson has been coordinating relief with those displaced and staying in hotels in the area. Please connect to Kelly using this form.
- As well, Union Rescue Mission has opened a thrift store in Torrance and will be distributing donations to those impacted by the fire free of charge. Click this link for more information.
Lastly, we can all pray. Please be in prayer for comfort, restoration and renewal. Even though this disaster has taken much from many in our region, be in prayer for those affected, pray that this would be an opportunity for the Lord to speak to their hearts and wake them to the reality of a God who brings renewal and life.
Daily Prayers PDF
“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.” (Eph 6:18) We’re asking our OCF family to “armor” up by committing to pray daily, according to Paul’s list of armor. The following are suggested prayers based on each piece of armor. The prayers are simple, but they are profound reminders of what God has done for us, expressions of dependence on Him, and commitments to do our part.