Student Ministry

Middle School Ministry

Sundays at 11am at OCF (except of 4th Sundays)
Wednesdays at 6pm at OCF (Beginning 9/4)
Sundays at 11am at OCF (except of 4th Sundays)
Wednesdays at 6pm at OCF (Beginning 9/4)

Middle school is the exciting transition from childhood to adolescence. Students at this age ask the big theological questions so it’s important to bolster their Christian faith with knowledge and understanding. It also helps to have their own space for fellowship with peers!

High School Ministry

Sundays at 5pm at OCF (Beginning 9/8)

High school introduces a mix of new experiences, all in preparation for the maturity of adulthood and the independence of college life. It’s important that our students discover who they are in Jesus and find a sense of belonging here at OCF church.

Parent Newsletter

Receive a monthly email with announcements and upcoming events in Student’s Ministry.

Sunday Mornings

Our middle school students meet during the 11am service. We start in the sanctuary for the opening worship, then head to the youth room for our own message – our teachings line up with the same passages that are being taught the main service.

On Communion Sundays (4th Sunday of every month) we do not meet and encourage families to sit and enjoy service together.

Sunday Evenings


Our high school students meet together at 5pm. The evening begins with engaging games before delving into a meaningful message tailored for their spiritual needs. Following the message, students participate in small group discussions to explore the message further and connect with peers. Our session wraps up by 7:30pm.

Life Groups


Where we do life with one another! Our high schoolers gather weekly, in host homes, to fellowship and discuss how to navigate the challenges of life. This is the best place to be connected to our brothers and sisters to help each other when our living out our faith gets tough. Groups are separated by gender and location. We sharpen, encourage, play, and pray.

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Hume Lake Summer Camp


For more information please contact Hannah Mansour or Ryan Guzman