Prayer & Care

The OCF Prayer Chain

Our Prayer Chain is an email and phone resource that enables the church body to submit urgent prayer requests. As part of this group, you will be emailed urgent and confidential requests as they come in. To join our Prayer Chain or to submit a prayer request, please contact Ed Arriola.

Women’s Prayer Team

Our Women’s Prayer team meets weekly to pray for the needs of our church community, local cities, nation and world. If you would like to be part of our Women’s Prayer Team or to submit a prayer request, please contact Wanda Yetter.

Care Ministries

Benevolence Care

Benevolence Care is established to minister to the unexpected and urgent financial needs of the attenders of OCF as directed in Galatians 6:2 to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” An individual requesting assistance will need to complete an application and be open to possibly receive financial counseling. To receive an application, please contact Garee Gasperian.

Deliverance Care

Deliverance Care is the Christian process for addressing demonization, rooted in the victory of Jesus Christ over Satan as depicted in Colossians 2:13-15. We use Controlled Confrontation Therapy (CCT), a step by step process for effective deliverance that has been utilized by many Christians to achieve real freedom from demonization. For further details on Deliverance Care, please reach out to Pastor Mark Stepp.

We recognize life’s challenges and offer support through meal assistance provided by compassionate OCF volunteers. Whether facing illness, surgery, childbirth, or other circumstances, we aim to alleviate the stress of meal preparation. Volunteers deliver meals tailored to recipients’ preferences, accommodating allergies and schedules. Whether store-bought or homemade, our focus is on providing practical help during difficult times.

Unplanned Pregnancy Care and Post-Abortion Healing

If you find yourself in an unplanned pregnancy, please know that being pregnant is not a sin, and the child you carry is not a punishment; it is a blessing. God is knitting this child in your womb. You may or may not have made a sinful decision that led to this pregnancy, but we want you to know you are loved, and we will do whatever it takes to help you carry and care for this precious child before and after birth. There are people in this church ready to mentor you, throw you a baby shower, and connect you with resources inside and outside of our church (local pregnancy care center). For assistance and further details, please email us.

Additionally, if you’ve experienced abortion in the past, know that forgiveness is attainable, and healing resources are available through post-abortion Bible studies. Reach out to Stephanie for support and information on finding complete healing and freedom.

Confidentiality is assured in all inquiries.

Wisdom Councils

None of us should have to face major life decisions alone. Here at OCF, we believe that we make better decisions when we combine our own knowledge with the wisdom of our brothers and sisters in Christ. To help facilitate the decision-making process, we offer Wisdom Councils to help you wisely navigate the sometimes challenging crossroads in our lives.

A Wisdom Council is a group of 5-6 mature OCF members who gather together one time to offer input and insight about a key decision in an individual’s life. If you would like more information about Wisdom Councils, please contact Marina Wallis.