
Practical Benefits of Plurality Leadership

Our first three posts surveyed the biblical data supporting plurality leadership: 1. The churches in the New Testament were each led by a team of pastors. 2. Jesus’ teachings about divine Fatherhood and natural fatherhood most naturally support the plurality approach. 3. Team leadership best reflects (and models to the congregation) the relational heart of the Christian faith. We turn now to consider some practical reasons for having a plurality of pastors at OCF. Even if the Bible supported a variety of approaches, I would still opt for a team of leaders over one lead pastor. Plurality leadership benefits both [...]

Practical Benefits of Plurality Leadership2019-07-18T22:55:40-07:00

Sunday Teaching: What I Want to Hear…What I Need to Hear

Some years ago, after Brandon passed around the Fall preaching calendar, someone asked, How do you guys decide what to preach on from Sunday to Sunday?  The answer to this question affects a lot of what we do at OCF and it has an eternal impact on all of us who consistently worship together on Sundays.  So, I thought I’d take a moment to let you in on some of our reasoning along these lines.  I will share three “principles we live by” and two “extremes we try to avoid.”  These values are “on the table,” so to speak, before we [...]

Sunday Teaching: What I Want to Hear…What I Need to Hear2019-07-18T22:57:41-07:00
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